Friday, September 9, 2011

What's happening.....

So apparently once I get out of the habit of blogging regularly, it's really difficult to find something I think is worth writing about. that's where I am....not sure I have much of interest to share....
I am just going to make a little update post and see if that spurs me back into the swing of things.....

So here's what's happening over here....

  • Mr. Wolf is deployed..... but we are halfway through...woohooo!
  • Worked two jobs to help the summer fly by (first summer in the history of all summers I wished to fly by)
  • Took a week's vacay to Florida with some college friends! Relaxed on the beach, swam in the pool, drove 15 hours each way with 3 adults and a 15 month old German Shepherd :)
  • Started the school year..... The first week consisted of 5 days (which is rough considering we usually ease into the school year with a three or four dayer)  a 95°+ day on the Friday of the first week with no airconditioning and sweaty 5th graders in the afternoon (thank you Bath and Body Works Wall Flowers!) 
That's all I can think of for now....Have a great night1


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