Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Something to look forward to...

Something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to.....  that's my motto these days....

My hubby knows me quite well.  He knows how much I thrive on having something to look forward to.

I love to plan for things.

This, however, is not a good mix with the Marine Corps. <------LARGE UNDERSTATEMENT

In our short two months of marriage (and our courtship) I have learned this very quickly.  Inevitably (and thankfully), though, this deployment will end and he will come home to me (and his family and friends)! I can't even imagine what that will feel like! (YAY!)

Anyways, back to the looking forward.  Right now I have seeing him again in the near future (for a VERY short stint) to look forward to.

After this next visit he will deploy and seeing him again will be so far in the future it will be beyond sight for awhile.

So my hubby texted me today and asked if I'd like to do a vacation, when he gets home from his deployment, to Yellowstone with his brother (read best and oldest friend from the Marine Corps) and his family.  Would I like? uh...yes, yes I would!

I met him and his family this past Christmas break on our pre-wedding, honeymoonish trip to Cali. It was so great to see my husband see his brother (and yes they are, for all intents and purposes, brothers) after multiple years and just pick right up where they left off.  I met his new wife (who took me to a winery! read new sister) and their blended family (new nieces and nephew :) We spent a few days together and had such a great time! Who knew a family dinner out, making S'mores poolside, and ringing in the new year with wine in our hotel room and fun noise makers could be such a perfect night?

Here we are  on NYE!

Anyways, he must have been communicating with his buddy about this future trip. Well, that text was all it took.

I'm on the hunt for information and ideas!

I think I'm going to add to this great trip idea with an extra week or two after the Yellowstone portion.

Bob will have lots of leave time and I will have the summer off of school!

I'm thinking a drive up the Cali coast-maybe L.A. to Nappa?? Maybe a stop in Vegas? Who knows? I'm up for suggestions! I've only ever been to the Cupertino/San Fran and San Diego (Pendelton) areas in California.

Where would you go (probably out in the western US) if you had 3 weeks and nowhere to be?


Roller Coaster said...
April 28, 2011 at 4:56 PM  

I'm an east coaster, so I can't help ya. But I'll tell you what, if I had 3 weeks with nowhere to be, I would have no idea what to do with myself!!! Have fun figuring it out.

Thanks for stopping by. And thanks for the advice about the power strip...never occurred to me!

Abby M. Interiors said...
May 18, 2011 at 9:07 PM  

hi! Thanks for your kind words on the nursery! I have good news--the octopus print is on Etsy. Here is the link:

Thank you for your husband's service. I have so much respect for you both, because I know it's a sacrifice on your part as well.
Blessings to you, Abby

Mrs. Colwell said...
July 24, 2011 at 12:26 AM  

So neat to connect with another milspouse teacher! Thanks for following my blog and I hope your trip to Cali went great!

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